Aicon-Bio™ Restriction Endonucleases
Aicon-Bio™ Restriction Endonucleases
Name | REF No. | Concentration | Specs | Price(USD) |
Aicon-Bio™ ApaLI | AI15601S | 1 rxn/μl | 200 rxns | 250 |
Aicon-Bio™ AscI | AI15508S | 1 rxn/μl | 50 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ AvrII | AI15509S | 1 rxn/μl | 25 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ BamHI | AI15510S | 1 rxn/μl | 500 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ BclI | AI15513S | 1 rxn/μl | 125 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ BglII | AI15591S | 1 rxn/μl | 100 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ BsaI | AI15518S | 1 rxn/μl | 50 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ BstBI | AI15607S | 1 rxn/μl | 100 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ BstEII | AI15528S | 1 rxn/μl | 100 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ ClaI | AI15532S | 1 rxn/μl | 50 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ DpnI | AI15585S | 1 rxn/μl | 50 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ DpnII | AI15533S | 1 rxn/μl | 50 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ EagI | AI15535S | 1 rxn/μl | 25 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ EcoRI | AI15536S | 1 rxn/μl | 600 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ EcoRV | AI15537S | 1 rxn/μl | 200 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ Esp3I (BsmBI) | AI21503S | 1 rxn/μl | 30 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ FspI | AI15586S | 1 rxn/μl | 50 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ HindIII | AI15539S | 1 rxn/μl | 500 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ HinfI | AI15593S | 1 rxn/μl | 500 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ HpaI | AI15541S | 1 rxn/μl | 50 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ KasI | AI15543S | 1 rxn/μl | 30 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ KpnI | AI15544S | 1 rxn/μl | 200 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ MluI | AI15547S | 1 rxn/μl | 100 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ MnlI | AI15548S | 1 rxn/μl | 50 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ NcoI | AI15550S | 1 rxn/μl | 30 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ NdeI | AI15551S | 1 rxn/μl | 200 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ NheI | AI15552S | 1 rxn/μl | 30 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ NotI | AI15553S | 1 rxn/μl | 50 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ NruI | AI15602S | 1 rxn/μl | 50 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ NsiI | AI15606S | 1 rxn/μl | 25 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ PacI | AI15603S | 1 rxn/μl | 25 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ PstI | AI15561S | 1 rxn/μl | 500 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ PvuII | AI15604S | 1 rxn/μl | 200 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ SacI | AI15565S | 1 rxn/μl | 100 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ SacII | AI15605S | 1 rxn/μl | 50 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ SalI | AI15566S | 1 rxn/μl | 200 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ SbfI | AI15568S | 1 rxn/μl | 25 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ SfiI | AI15570S | 1 rxn/μl | 100 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ SmaI | AI15572S | 1 rxn/μl | 100 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ SpeI | AI15574S | 1 rxn/μl | 50 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ SphI | AI15575S | 1 rxn/μl | 50 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ SspI | AI15576S | 1 rxn/μl | 60 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ StuI | AI15577S | 1 rxn/μl | 100 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ TaqI | AI15580S | 1 rxn/μl | 200 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ XbaI | AI15581S | 1 rxn/μl | 500 rxns | 175 |
Aicon-Bio™ XhoI | AI15583S | 1 rxn/μl | 500 rxns | 175 |
Restriction endonucleases (Restriction enzymes) are a class of endonuclease that can recognize specific nucleotide sequences (4~8 base pairs) within double-stranded DNA and cleave DNA at specific sites. The key characteristic of restriction enzymes is their ability to accurately cut DNA and generate defined ends. The Aicon-Bio™ restriction endonucleases provided by BestEnzymes use only one universal reaction buffer, which provide a better experience for both single and double enzyme digestions. Moreover, Aicon-Bio™ restriction endonucleases are compatible with the buffers used in downstream experiments, achieving true one-tube convenience. The Aicon-Bio™ restriction enzymes can complete digestion with 5~15 minutes, which not only saves user’s time but also significantly reduces star activity.
Product Features
- Universal buffer makes multi-enzyme digestions more convenient. Additionally, it is compatible with downstream experiments, reducing the need for
additional purification steps and saving time and effort. - Fast digestion, completed within 5~15 minutes.
- The Aicon-Bio™ Color buffer allows for direct gel electrophoresis after digestion.
- Low star activity ensures prolonged reaction without generating non-specific cleavage.
Technical Features
Digestion can be completed accurately within 5~15 minutes Consistent digestion results in Aicon-Bio™ Buffer and Aicon-Bio™ Color Buffer
Perform single, double and triple enzyme digestions using Perform digestion using Aicon-Bio™ EcoRI, Aicon-Bio™ BamHI, and
Aicon-Bio™ EcoRI, Aicon-Bio™ Sall, and Aicon-Bio™ Sacl in Aicon-Bio™ Xbal in Aicon-Bio™ Buffer and Aicon-Bio™ Color Buffer with
Aicon-Bio™ Buffer. Use 1 μg of plasmid as the substrate and carry out 1 μg of plasmid substrate for 5 minutes. The same enzyme exhibits
the digestion for 5 and 15 minutes, respectively. Under all reaction no significant difference in the digestion results between two buffers.
conditions, the substrate is completely cleaved accurately.
Ultra-low star activity
Using the fast restriction enzymes Hindll, Nhel, Pstl, Xbal, and Xhol from BestEnzymes, Company A, and
Company B respectively, perform a 16-hour digestion on λDNA substrate following the recommended protocols
by each brand. The results show that enzymes from BestEnzymes and Company A did not exhibit star activity.
The arrows present the bands generated by star activity.
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